Monday, 23 January 2017

Tough times

The week-end was tough. Friday night was not good, and this is now the time when I want to throw in the towel.  I always have extremely busy Fridays at work and so look forward to unwinding with a glass of wine in the evening.  I'm not feeling strong enough to go out anywhere which might make me tempted to drink, and actually like staying in on a Friday night.  I just, as others have pointed out, need to plan ahead.  So that's what I will do.
I love having more time, and like most people lead a hectic life with work and family.  I can easily fill my time with more chores, but haven't yet worked out how to use my time in a more fulfilling manner., especially as I'm still exhausted by the evening.
Small steps.


  1. Aww MNW those early,weekends are tough! I LIVED for a cold glass of vino on a Friday night, only trouble is it became a bottle and more! I was so pissed off and bored without it. Long hot bath, chocolate, fav. foods tried them all, some worked, never satisfied exactly but filled the evening and treated myself enough that the time marched on until I found myself getting on with a Friday without thinking about a drink. Xxx

    1. This is my tough time of the week. Have not worked out a good answer but thanks for the support and it's great to know that it will get easier.

  2. I switched to AF stuff which helped.
    I was used to sitting on deck with wine a martini, which as SP said, was fine, until I kept demanding more and more.
    Then we'd get into arguments and the evening would be wrecked.
    But not all the time.
    Sometimes we would have a wonderful time relaxing and just spending time together.
    So now, we do the same thing, but without the alcohol.
    SP is right that as time passes you will come to a new normal.
    If I want to go out, I go out with hubs to dinner or a movie.
    Most of the times though?
    We go for a walk on Friday nights.
    It's beautiful.

    1. Thanks Wendy. I so love your support. I'm doing OK but Friday is tough. Went for a walk this evening and it did help. Still tough but hanging in there!

  3. All this sounds very normal and I think we have all been there. It's hard to just switch off from something we have done for so long. You will find new ways (no pun intended) of doing things and finding replacements but it does take a bit of time and stamina in the beginning. I truthfully can say I don't think about drinking or miss it, not even a little bit. Just keep fighting on until one day you realise it just came naturally and a Friday/Saturday passed without you realising.

    1. Thanks so much GG. I know I'll get where you are because I'm committed to this. I know you still have it tough and I'm there with you on 18 year old girls. I do'nt always post because I feel like a newbie but I'm with you all the way.
