Sunday, 5 February 2017

The positives

List of things achieved in the last month
Not being hungover
Getting more done
Less feeling of letting the family down by not being on good form
Going to the theatre without drinks being the main event and wondering if you've got time to fit them in,and worrying how will you cope with the journey home.
Face looks calmer and less stressed.
Body feels calmer and less stressed.
Internally calmer at work.
Beginning to get ahead with boring stuff.
Family happier or is that just my percetion?  Oh well, I'll take it.
Regular pilates
Waking up thinking you're hung over and then finding out you're not.
EARLY mornings! I love them!

Goals for February
Keeping going
More aerobic exercise
Not going to bed early every night as it's the easiest thing to do..
Finding a way to enjoy Friday evening without alcohol.  I love Friday evening, but haven't cracked something that beats that cold glass of wine after a hectic day.  Tried all the usuals but my brain is not convinced yet!


  1. I love all the good things you have experienced!
    Instead of a reward for Friday nights, I had to think of Friday nights as just another night in the early days.
    I read books, or went for walks with hubs, or just watch TV.
    Dinners were too hard in the early days, as I felt I was missing something and got sad.
    After a while, I we could go out for dinner, or to a play, or even a baseball game!
    But going for a walk is still our favorite.

    1. The rest of the week is getting easier. I will crack those Friday feelings and stay up past 8pm!

  2. This is really cool! A great list. My Friday is perhaps as Wendy say more like normal days now too, except I have the reward of going to bed and a lie in the next day. It is hard and there's no two ways aBout it, there are I think some downers about not drinking. My aim is that the positives outweigh any limitations and that keeps me going.
