Tuesday 30 May 2017

Day 1

So it all went pear-shaped. I was doing well, being strong when things were tough. I've been super busy and not kept up with the sobershere that has been such a support.  Then I found that when close family members are having a really tough time and I can't help, or don't know how to, I lose the plot and drink.  How rubbish is that?
So today is a new day 1, but I feel good being honest about that. I'm not going to stop trying to crack this.
Congrats to all of you who have passed major milestones in the past few weeks. For me it's back to one day at a time.


  1. Welcome back!
    Happy Day 1!
    Never give up.

  2. Hi MNW, lovely to hear from you. I hope your day one goes well xxxx

    1. Hi SP. Day 2 is going to be even better. Congrats on your year, that's brilliat!
